I finally decided I'm not going to hide the fact that I had an abortion. It's now part of who I am and as I writer it's hard not to write about things. I care deeply about women's rights. And women's health.
The sonogram laws in some states are ridiculously cruel. And the fact that 5 states only have one abortion clinic is ridiculous. Forty years after Roe v Wade, abortion is not a safe and accessible choice for every woman, and that makes me angry.
I also have a small book of poems coming out. Anyone that reads it will be able to infer what happened. So why hide? Why keep this blog and not share it? If my story can help one woman feel less alone, I'm happy for that.
Plus, once you've written and shared a story about abortion, it feels so OK to write about so many other things that make people uncomfortable. I feel like we are a broken people. I feel like the only way to start the healing is to get uncomfortable.
I'm not going to complain about not having time to write. I'm just going to write like a motherfucker every chance I can. I guess you might say I'm going balls to the wall.
Here's my abortion story.
Oh yeah, and for my non-lent this year, I'm giving up feeling guilty about everything.
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